Invisalign® Treatable Cases
At Clayburn Dental, we will complete a comprehensive assessment of your teeth, gums, jaw and bite to determine if your case is treatable with Invisalign.
What cases can Invisalign treat?
Invisalign can be used to treat a number of misalignment and malocclusion issues.
To see if you may have a case treatable with Invisalign, take our Smile Assessment.
Start Your Assessment
The Invisalign Consultation Process
During the consultation process, our dentists will complete a comprehensive assessment of your teeth, gums, jaw and bite to determine if your case is treatable with Invisalign.
History Review
Your dentist will start by reviewing your relevant medical and dental history and records to see if you are a good candidate for Invisalign treatment.
Next they will perform an oral exam of your teeth and gums, including 3D digital impressions and x-rays, to identify any issues that may not have been apparent in your records.
If your dentist determines Invisalign is right for you they will present you with a preliminary treatment plan. They will also send away your digital images so your custom aligners can be created.
Before you leave, you can schedule your first appointment which will involve the initial fitting of your new custom aligners.