Now welcoming patients with Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) coverage!

Professional Dental Cleaning & Hygienist Services

At Clayburn Dental in Abbotsford, our dentists believe that preventative care and regular dental cleanings can keep dental diseases and signs of damage at bay, and help keep your smile healthy and strong.

Keeping your smile healthy, long term.

Caring for your teeth and preventing early signs of tooth decay is critical to ensuring that your teeth remain strong and healthy for years to come. 

Regular dental cleanings and polishing will ensure that your teeth are healthy and free of plaque. Dental cleanings maintain the overall health of your entire mouth, including the gums, inner cheeks, and tongue, making it an absolutely essential dental procedure.

What To Expect During A Cleaning

Your dental cleaning appointment will include a dental exam and the following:

Removal of Calculus (Tartar)

Calculus is hardened plaque that has been left on the surface of the tooth for some time and is now firmly attached to the tooth's structure. Calculus forms above and below the gum line and can only be removed with special dental instruments.

Removal of Plaque

Plaque is a sticky, almost invisible film that forms on the teeth. It is a growing colony of living bacteria, food debris, and saliva. The bacteria produce toxins that inflame the gums. This inflammation is the start of periodontal (gum) disease.

Teeth Polishing

Remove stain and plaque that is not otherwise removed during manual tooth brushing and scaling.

Regular dental cleanings make a huge difference in the health of your smile. Make sure you take these simple preventive measures to ensure your teeth remain healthy and strong.

Dental Cleanings in Abbotsford

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We're Located in Beautiful Abbotsford, British Columbia

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(604) 852-8487